
Nokia Prepares N950 QWERTY Slider For MeeGo Developers

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

Remember that Nokia QWERTY slider that popped-up in the leaked video teaser everyone thought was the N9? We suspected that it might be the N950 and indeed it turned out to be, powered by MeeGo just like the recently launched N9.

The Nokia N950 is the Nokia MeeGo developer device and it looks just like the Nokia N9 prototype we've seen some time ago. Hardware-wise, the N950 is the same as the N9. Exceptions are the added slide-out QWERTY keyboard, a 4-inch LCD screen with the same resolution -- versus the 3.9-inch AMOLED on the N9 -- and a slightly smaller battery, though sans NFC. The N950 has been produced in limited numbers and will only be available through MeeGo development programs.

Source: Nokia Developer 

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